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Strategic Planning

Defining, communicating, and executing organizational strategy​

Strategic workforce planning is a focusing effort that helps organizations clarify and define what they are looking to achieve.

Defining goals and priorities helps align organizational focus and determines how resources will be deployed. Creating a corporate level strategy provides a clear purpose and focus, helping align the efforts of employees and other stakeholders on common goals and outcomes.

At its core, strategic workforce planning is based on addressing three key questions:

  • Where are we now?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How do we get there?

Simple questions, but the answers are as varied and nuanced as there are organizations thinking about them. The commonality across all organizations is that achieving different outcomes requires a willingness to do things differently.

people handing each other papers across the table

Frame Your Horizons, Execute Your Plan, and Achieve Your Goal

Rarely does real change occur in big bursts. More often, change sticks when small efforts are attempted, acknowledged, reinforced, and repeated. CCI Consulting’s “Three Horizons” approach helps clients translate a corporate level strategy into an easy-to-communicate roadmap that links today’s and tomorrow’s actions to long-term goals. Putting context around the plan, pacing the effort, and setting interim goals helps increase commitment, improve the effectiveness of implementation, and increases the likelihood of achieving strategic goals.

A Practical Approach to Strategic Planning

At CCI Consulting, we believe an organization’s ability to achieve its business strategy is predicated on mobilizing the talent required to successfully execute the strategy. Since the people side of the equation may well be the single most important element that differentiates an organization from the competition, our strategic planning consultants focus on helping clients align their people strategy with business strategy.

CCI Consulting’s approach to strategic corporate planning is designed to create a well-constructed plan that can be easily communicated and cascaded throughout the organization. Our strategic planning consultants recognize that for the plan to be effective, it is critical to translate the vision and strategy into a detailed discussion about goals, expectations, and required actions. This critical component aligns and focuses individual and collective efforts throughout the organization and makes the plan actionable by all.

From Strategy Formation to Execution, CCI Consulting Can Help

Contact us to learn how we can help you build strategic people strategies that drive your business forward.


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