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The Ultimate Guide to Employee Experience

employee experience

“In a world where money is no longer the primary motivating factor for employees, focusing on the employee experience is the most promising competitive advantage that organizations can create.”  – Jacob Morgan, author of The Employee Experience Advantage

From the moment a candidate applies for your job application to the time they depart from your company, everything the employee has learned, performed, observed, and perceived all contribute to their employee experience.

To master the employee experience within your organization, management must lend an open ear to their employees to determine what is most important to them, whether it be through one-on-one meetings or employee engagement surveys. With the information gathered from your employees, your organization can create personalized and captivating experiences.

Employee experience sets the groundwork for excellent business performance. Let’s take a deeper look into what employees commonly seek from their workplace in terms of an excellent employee experience and how your organization can improve.

The four pillars of employee experience

Employees perform best when they have positive intrinsic motivators. When employees enjoy performing their work, doing the work is a reward. Let’s dive deeper into the four pillars that employees typically seek at their workplace in terms of successful employee experience.

  1. Connection: The relationship between an employee and their manager, coworkers, and the organization’s values and missions.
  2. Appreciation: Employees want to feel that their work and their role has value and are being recognized.
  3. Performance: A clear and concise understanding from the employee of what they need to do to succeed at their job.
  4. Growth: Receiving feedback, learning opportunities, or ongoing support for development.
How to create a strong employee experience
Company culture

While there is no precise definition of a company’s culture, having something that distinguishes your organization’s values, practices, missions, or attitude will ensure successful employee experiences. Allowing employees to know this information in the early stages of recruitment and onboarding will guarantee your organization has attracted the right employees.

Take a step into employees’ shoes

When trying to understand your organization’s level of employee experience, take a moment to be an employee. Step into their shoes to gain a deeper understanding of who they are, what they want, and their pain points. Determining answers to these questions will build trust between the organization and the employees and provide your organization with a new perspective.

Co-establish solutions

Rather than wait for employees’ responses or ideas from an employee engagement survey, set up a time to table ideas with employees to ensure a successful experience. Co-establishing solutions allows your employees to know they are being heard. Additionally,  your organization is going directly to the source and collaborating with the target audience which will result in optimal solutions.

Improve your organization’s employee experience

So, if employee experience is variable and ongoing, how can your organization deliver a great one? For starters, invest time into the four pillars: connection, performance, appreciation, and growth.

If your organization is ready to take your employee experience to new heights, CCI Consulting is prepped and ready to serve you. With extensive experience and knowledge in developing workplaces where the organization and people thrive, we are one of the leading full-service human resource firms specializing in solutions that support a wide variety of businesses and their employees. If your organization desires to improve its employee experience, contact us today at 1-800-214-753.