This is where a job hunter’s voice can be heard and the road to employment begins. As with anything new, the first couple of tweets are always the most overwhelming: What do I want to say? Do I really only get 140 characters? What if no one responds? The entire process can be very intimidating. Relax. Like any new endeavor it takes some getting used to. Hopefully some of these ideas will help you “Tweet” easier:
- Be yourself! Remember, some recruiters may look at your Twitter profile as though it is a job interview, so present yourself like you are speaking with an interviewer. Be the best you; you will find the “tweets” will begin to flow if you speak from your mind, rather than attempting to be someone else.
- Remain consistent. Twitter requires persistence, repeated use and time; it is not a platform that can work in the background simultaneously. Tweeting once every week will not lead to results. Get on a regimented schedule and build your “following.”
- Spell-check! Nothing is more frustrating than reading misspelled words or bad grammar in Tweets. You wouldn’t want spelling mistakes in your resume, CV, or corporate e-mails; treat Twitter the same way. (Keep in mind, your potential boss may be reading your tweets!)
- Think before you tweet. It is incredibly easy to hit the “send” button – almost too easy. Think twice before you voice your opinion. Would you want your potential employer reading what you’re about to say?
- Be a “thought-leader”— stand out! Make individuals crave what you’re saying and go to your profile daily. Be a recruiter’s dream!
- Consider the timing of your tweets. Considering your demographics when tweeting is an often-overlooked aspect of Twitter. Send out your Tweets when you believe your target audience is reading. A thoughtful tweet at 2 AM is meaningless; save it for when you think a recruiter could view it.
- #Hashtag, #Hashtag, #Hashtag! The “hashtag” (a word/phrase attached to the “#” symbol) is perhaps the most complex element of Twitter, but the most valuable. Twitter uses hashtags to organize tweets, similar to categories. Every time a tweet incorporates a hashtag (such as #jobs) Twitter begins sorting them in a separate list, which can be procured by a simple search, or by clicking on the hyperlink that appears after being tweeted. Logically, it would be intelligent to attempt to integrate a hashtag in every tweet to make yourself searchable. Recruiters may search for certain “buzzwords” and if you’ve included them in a tweet as a hashtag, your name will be readily available.
- Twitter is not a diary. Unfortunately, most individuals did not “follow” you to listen to your monotonous complaints. A potential employer does not want to hear about how bad the traffic is on your daily commute home. Make your tweets strictly business.
- Engage/Interact.Don’t always tweet about yourself; join the conversation. Social media is essentially a large dialogue or exchange. It is impossible to grasp the true power of Twitter until you start socializing with other users. For example, respond directly to people, offer your services or expertise, and even ask for help! The more you can get your name out in the “Twitter-verse” the likelier you’ll be contacted by recruiters.
- Demonstrate your personal brand. Use Twitter as a way to market/advertise yourself to potential employers. Provide direct links to projects you’ve completed, personal accomplishments, your LinkedIn profile, and even your resume. In essence, provide and validate why you possess a strong background. This will make the recruiter’s job easier.
- “Re-tweet”! Similar to the “Like” button on Facebook, a re-tweet shares a piece of information you found valuable with your followers. This is an extremely easy, yet effective method to interact with other Twitter users. [The ultimate goal is to have your tweeted material “re-tweeted” to hundreds of individuals.]
Congratulations! You have taken your job search to the next level. Remember, it never is how old we are but rather how “current” we are. By reviewing, practicing and implementing what we have discussed in this 3-part series, you are “current” and ahead of many other job seekers!
Michael Cuff
Director, Client Services
CCI Consulting